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February 22, 2019

Word of the Day: Minion

1 CQ

Word of the Day : February 22, 2019

minion \MIN-yun\ noun


1 : a servile dependent, follower, or underling

2 : one highly favored : idol

3 : a subordinate or petty official

Did You Know?

Minion comes to us from Middle French and has a somewhat surprising cousin in English: filet mignon. The two words are connected by way of Middle French mignon, meaning "darling." Minion entered English around 1500 directly from Middle French, whereas filet mignon arrived significantly later by way of a modern French phrase meaning "dainty fillet." The earliest uses of minion referred to someone who was a particular favorite, or darling, of a sovereign or other important personage. Over time, however, the word developed a more derogatory sense referring to a person who is servile and unimportant.

Aired February 22, 2019

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