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August 12, 2018

Word of the Day: Lapidary

1 CQ

Word of the Day : August 12, 2018

lapidary \LAP-uh-dair-ee\ noun


1 : a cutter, polisher, or engraver of precious stones usually other than diamonds

2 : the art of cutting gems

Did You Know?

The Latin word for "stone" is lapis; in that language, something "of or relating to stone" is described as lapidarius. Gem cutters obviously relate well to stone, and during the 14th century someone decided that lapidarius should be related to them. The spelling of the term was modified, and it was borrowed into English as a name for both gem cutters and their art. Since the 1700s, lapidary has also been used as an adjective describing things having the elegance and precision of inscriptions carved on stone monuments or things relating to the art of gem cutting.

Aired August 12, 2018

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