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Word Curio

September 24, 2018

Word of the Day: Glade

1 CQ

Word of the Day : September 24, 2018

glade \GLAYD\ noun


: an open space surrounded by woods

Did You Know?

We know that glade has been with us since at least the early 1500s, though the word's origins remain a bit of a mystery. Glade, which originally was often used not just to indicate a clearing in the woods but one which was also filled with sunlight, may come from the adjective glad. In Middle English, glad also meant "shining," a meaning that goes back to the word's Old English ancestor, glæd. Glæd is akin to Old High German glat ("shining, smooth") and Old Norse glathr ("sunny"). It may also be a relative of Old English geolu, the ancestor of the modern English word yellow.

Aired September 24, 2018

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