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May 22, 2018

Word of the Day: Garrulous

1 CQ

Word of the Day : May 22, 2018

garrulous \GAIR-uh-lus\ adjective


1 : given to prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity : pointlessly or annoyingly talkative

2 : using or containing many and usually too many words : wordy

Did You Know?

English has many adjectives that share the meaning "given to talk" or "talking." Talkative may imply a readiness to talk or a disposition to enjoy conversation, while loquacious suggests the power of expressing oneself articulately, fluently, or glibly. Voluble suggests a free, easy, and unending talkativeness, and garrulous implies talkativeness that is dull, rambling, or tedious. Garrulous, by the way, derives from the Latin verb garrīre, which means "to chatter" or "to talk rapidly."

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                                  a sneeze
                                  a clearing of the throat
                                  a groan
                                  a belch

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Aired May 22, 2018

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