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February 14, 2018

Word of the Day: Frolic

1 CQ

Word of the Day : February 14, 2018

frolic \FRAH-lik\ verb


1 : to amuse oneself : make merry

2 : to play and run about happily : romp

Did You Know?

Frolic is a playful word with a happy history. It traces back to the Dutch word vroolijk ("merry"), which in turn evolved from a Middle Dutch combination of vro ("happy") and the adjectival suffix -lijc ("-ly"). Vro is related to the Old Frisian and Old High German fro, which also means "happy." (It is also a distant relative of Old English frogga, from which Modern English derived frog.) When frolic first entered English in the early-mid 16th century, it was used as an adjective meaning "merry" or "full of fun." The verb came into use by the end of that century, followed a few decades later by a noun use, as in "an evening of fun and frolic."

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Aired February 14, 2018

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