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Word Curio

October 9, 2021

Word of the Day: Fret

1 CQ

Word of the Day : October 9, 2021

fret \FRET\ verb

What It Means

Fret means "to become worried or concerned."

// The director fretted over every detail of the show's opening night performance.

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Aired October 9, 2021

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James M
Fret has more than one meaning, if you were through you would include more than just one. A fret is a space between two fretbars on the neck of a stringed instrument. Frets usually extend across the full width of the neck.
Colleen S
I think the other fret probably has a very different origin, though, and they tend to keep these concise for time reasons. I have seen some of these where they will mention that one should not confuse a word with an unrelated homonym. Also, even though I am also a musician and know what the other “fret” means, most non-musicians are far more likely to encounter the verb discussed here. That being said, I would like a second podcast outlining the origin of the noun.
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