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May 10, 2019

Word of the Day: Footle

2 CQ

Word of the Day : May 10, 2019

footle \FOO-tul\ verb


1 : to talk or act foolishly

2 : to waste time : trifle, fool

Did You Know?

Footle will be more familiar to speakers of British English than it is to speakers of American English. Its likely source is the seldom-used footer, meaning "to waste time." That word is etymologically connected with fouter (also spelled foutra), a word referring to something of little value or someone worthless or bungling. But the link between footle and footer is speculative. What we can say with confidence is that footle is a verb of 19th century origin that—along with the derivative adjective footling (as in "a footling amateur")—is still apt when discussing foolish or trifling people or things.

Aired May 10, 2019

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