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Word Curio

January 21, 2021

Word of the Day: Exact

1 CQ

Word of the Day : January 21, 2021

exact \ig-ZAKT\ verb


1 : to call for forcibly or urgently and obtain

2 : to call for as necessary or desirable

Did You Know?

Exact derives from a form of the Latin verb exigere, meaning "to drive out, to demand, or to measure." (Another descendant of exigere is the word exigent, which can mean "demanding" or "requiring immediate attention.") Exigere, in turn, was formed by combining the prefix ex- with the verb agere, meaning "to drive." Agere has been a prolific source of words for English speakers; it is the ancestor of agent, react, mitigate, and navigate, just to name a few. Incidentally, if you are looking for a synonym of the verb exact, you could try demand, call for, claim, or require.

Aired January 21, 2021

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