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May 6, 2019

Word of the Day: Ephemeral

1 CQ

Word of the Day : May 6, 2019

ephemeral \ih-FEM-uh-rul\ adjective


1 : lasting a very short time

2 : lasting one day only

Did You Know?

The mayfly (order Ephemeroptera) typically hatches, matures, mates, and dies within the span of a few short hours (though the longest-lived may survive a record two days); poets sometimes use this insect to symbolize life's ephemeral nature. When ephemeral (from the Greek word ephēmeros, meaning "lasting a day") first appeared in print in English in the late 16th century, it was a scientific term applied to short-term fevers, and later, to organisms (such as insects and flowers) with very short life spans. Soon after that, it acquired an extended sense referring to anything fleeting and short-lived, as in "ephemeral pleasures."

Aired May 6, 2019

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