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March 3, 2018

Word of the Day: Elucidate

1 CQ

Word of the Day : March 3, 2018

elucidate \ih-LOO-suh-dayt\ verb


1 : to make lucid especially by explanation or analysis

2 : to give a clarifying explanation

Did You Know?

To elucidate is to make something clear that was formerly murky or confusing—and it is perfectly clear how the modern term got that meaning. Elucidate traces to the Latin term lucidus, which means "lucid." Lucidus, in turn, descends from the verb lucēre, meaning "to shine." So elucidating can be thought of as the figurative equivalent of shining a light on something to make it easier to see. Lucēre has also produced other shining offspring in English. Among its descendants are lucid itself (which can mean "shining," "clear-headed," or "easily understood"), lucent (meaning "giving off light" or "easily seen through"), and translucent (meaning "partly transparent" or "clear enough for light to pass through").

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Aired March 3, 2018

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