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June 5, 2021

Word of the Day: Didactic

2 CQ

Word of the Day : June 5, 2021

didactic \dye-DAK-tik\ adjective


1 a : designed or intended to teach

b : intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment

2 : making moral observations

Did You Know?

Didaktikós is a Greek word that means "apt at teaching." It comes from didáskein, meaning "to teach." Something didactic does just that: it teaches or instructs. Didactic conveyed that neutral meaning when it was first borrowed in the 17th century, and still does; a didactic piece of writing is one that is meant to be instructive as well as artistic. Parables are generally didactic because they aim to teach a moral lesson. Didactic now sometimes has negative connotations, too, however. Something described as "didactic" is often overburdened with instruction to the point of being dull. Or it might be pompously instructive or moralistic.

Aired June 5, 2021

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