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Word Curio

August 11, 2018

Word of the Day: Circuitous

1 CQ

Word of the Day : August 11, 2018

circuitous \ser-KYOO-uh-tus\ adjective


1 : having a circular or winding course

2 : not being forthright or direct in language or action

Did You Know?

If you guessed that circuitous is related to circuit, you're right—both words come from Latin circuitus, the past participle of the verb circumire, meaning "to go around." Circumire is derived, in turn, from Latin circum, meaning "around," plus ire, which means "to go." Other circum descendants making the rounds in English include circumference ("the perimeter of a circle"), circumvent (one meaning of which is "to make a circuit around"), circumlocution ("the act of 'talking around' a subject"), and circumnavigate ("to go around"). There's also the prefix circum-, which means "around" or "about," and the familiar word circumstance, which describes a condition or event that "stands around" another.

Aired August 11, 2018

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