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Word Curio

August 22, 2019

Word of the Day: Chivy

2 CQ

Word of the Day : August 22, 2019

chivy \CHIV-ee\ verb


1 : to tease or annoy with persistent petty attacks

2 : to move or obtain by small maneuvers

Did You Know?

Chivy, which is also spelled chivvy, became established in our language in the 19th century and, at first, meant "to harass or chase." Early usage examples are of people chivying a chicken around to catch it and of a person chivying around food that is frying. The verb comes from a British noun chivy meaning "chase" or "hunt." That chivy is believed to be derived from Chevy Chase—a term for "chase" or "confusion" that is taken from the name of a ballad describing the 1388 battle of Otterburn between the Scottish and English. (A chase in this context is an unenclosed tract of land that is used as a game preserve.)

Aired August 22, 2019

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