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April 23, 2018

Word of the Day: Cathexis

1 CQ

Word of the Day : April 23, 2018

cathexis \kuh-THEK-sis\ noun


: investment of mental or emotional energy in a person, object, or idea

Did You Know?

You might suspect that cathexis derives from a word for "emotion," but in actuality the key concept is "holding." Cathexis comes to us by way of New Latin (Latin as used after the medieval period in scientific description or classification) from the Greek word kathexis, meaning "holding." It can ultimately be traced back (through katechein, meaning "to hold fast, occupy") to the Greek verb echein, meaning "to have" or "to hold." Cathexis first appeared in print in 1922 in a book about Freud's psychological theories (which also established the plural as cathexes, as is consistent with Latin), and it is still often used in scientific and specifically psychological contexts.

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Aired April 23, 2018

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