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November 28, 2020

Word of the Day: Capitulate

2 CQ

Word of the Day : November 28, 2020

capitulate \kuh-PIH-chuh-layt\ verb


1 a : to surrender often after negotiation of terms

b : to cease resisting : acquiesce

2 archaic : parley, negotiate

Did You Know?

Capitulate and its synonyms yield, submit, and succumb all mean to give way to someone or something, but have a few slight differences in emphasis. Yield may apply to any sort or degree of bowing to force, debate, or pleading ("yields too easily in any argument"). Submit suggests surrender, after resistance, to the will or control of another ("the soldiers submitted to their captors"). Succumb imputes weakness and helplessness to the person giving in, or an overwhelming power to the opposition ("succumbing to temptation"). Capitulate stresses the termination of all resistance and may imply either a coming to terms, as with an adversary, or hopelessness before an irresistible opposing force ("team owners capitulated to the demands of the players' union").

Aired November 28, 2020

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