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Word Curio

November 3, 2020

Word of the Day: Candidate

1 CQ

Word of the Day : November 3, 2020

candidate \KAN-duh-dayt\ noun


1 a : one that aspires to or is nominated or qualified for an office, membership, or award

b : one likely or suited to undergo or be chosen for something specified

2 : a student in the process of meeting final requirements for a degree

Did You Know?

When a man running for public office in ancient Rome greeted voters in the Forum, the center of judicial and public business, he wore a toga that had been whitened with chalk. As a result, the Latin word for someone seeking office came to be candidatus, meaning literally "clothed in white." Candidatus, in turn, comes from the adjective candidus, meaning "white." Candidatus was adopted into English as candidate, and since the 17th century that word has had an uncontested seat in the language.

Aired November 3, 2020

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