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January 2, 2019

Word of the Day: Campestral

1 CQ

Word of the Day : January 2, 2019

campestral \kam-PESS-trul\ adjective


: of or relating to fields or open country : rural

Did You Know?

Scamper across an open field, and then, while catching your breath, ponder this: scamper and campestral both ultimately derive from the Latin noun campus, meaning "field" or "plain." Latin campester is the adjective that means "pertaining to a campus." In ancient Rome, a campus was a place for games, athletic practice, and military drills. Scamper probably started with a military association as well (it is assumed to have evolved from an unattested Vulgar Latin verb, excampare, meaning "to decamp"). In English, campestral took on an exclusively rural aspect upon its introduction in the late 17th century, while campus, you might say, became mainly academic.

Aired January 2, 2019

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