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December 10, 2017

Word of the Day: Cachinnate

1 CQ

Word of the Day : December 10, 2017

cachinnate \KAK-uh-nayt\ verb


: to laugh loudly or immoderately

Did You Know?

Cachinnate has been whooping it up in English since the 19th century. The word derives from the Latin verb cachinnare, meaning "to laugh loudly," and cachinnare was probably coined in imitation of a loud laugh. As such, cachinnare is much like the Old English ceahhetan, the Old High German kachazzen, and the Greek kachazein—all words of imitative origin that essentially meant "to laugh loudly." Our words giggle and guffaw are unrelated to those (and to each other) but they too are believed to have been modeled after the sound of laughter.

Aired December 10, 2017

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It seems as though cackle might also be a derivative
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