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March 26, 2018

Word of the Day: Bravado

1 CQ

Word of the Day : March 26, 2018

bravado \bruh-VAH-doh\ noun


1 a : blustering swaggering conduct

b : a pretense of bravery

2 : the quality or state of being foolhardy

Did You Know?

Bravado ultimately traces to the Old Italian adjective bravo, meaning "courageous" or "wild." Nowadays, the wildness once associated with bravado has been tamed to an overbearing boldness that comes from arrogance or a position of power. Celebrities, political or corporate giants, and the schoolyard bully may all show bravado (though they often turn out to be not so tough after all). Bravado is also used for show-offish, daring acts that seem reckless and inconsistent with good sense, but might nonetheless be applauded with shouts of "Bravo!" when successful (the spectacular feats of stuntmen, for example).

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Aired March 26, 2018

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