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April 23, 2021

Word of the Day: Bogart

2 CQ

Word of the Day : April 23, 2021

bogart \BOH-gahrt\ verb


1 : to cause (someone) to do something by means of force or coercion : bully

2 : to use the entirety of or consume without sharing

Did You Know?

The legendary film actor Humphrey Bogart was known for playing a range of tough characters in a series of films throughout the 1940s and 1950s, including The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, and The African Queen. The men he portrayed often possessed a cool, hardened exterior that occasionally let forth a suggestion of romantic or idealistic sentimentality. Bogart also had a unique method of smoking cigarettes in these pictures—letting the butt dangle from his mouth without removing it until it was almost entirely consumed. It is believed that this habit inspired the current meaning of bogart, which was once limited to the phrase "Don't bogart that joint [=marijuana cigarette]," as popularized by a song on the soundtrack to the film Easy Rider. Today, bogart can be applied to hogging almost anything.

Aired April 23, 2021

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