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February 15, 2019

Word of the Day: Apotheosis

2 CQ

Word of the Day : February 15, 2019

apotheosis \uh-pah-thee-OH-sis\ noun


1 a : the perfect form or example of something : quintessence

b : the highest or best part of something : peak

2 : elevation to divine status : deification

Did You Know?

Among the ancient Greeks, it was sometimes thought fitting—or simply handy, say if you wanted a god somewhere in your bloodline—to grant someone or other "god" status. So they created the word apotheōsis, from the verb apotheoun, meaning "to deify." (The prefix apo- can mean "off," "from," or "away," and theos is the Greek word for "god.") There's not a lot of Greek-style apotheosizing in the 21st century, but there is hero-worship. Our extended use of apotheosis as "elevation to divine status" is the equivalent of "placement on a very high pedestal." Even more common these days is to use apotheosis in reference to a perfect example or ultimate form. For example, one might describe a movie as "the apotheosis of the sci-fi movie genre."

Aired February 15, 2019

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