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Word of the Day : July 9, 2021
aleatory \AY-lee-uh-tor-ee\ adjective
1 : depending on an uncertain event or contingency as to both profit and loss
2 : relating to luck and especially to bad luck
3 : characterized by chance or indeterminate elements : aleatoric
Did You Know?
If you're the gambling type, then chances are good you've come across aleatory in your travels. Deriving from the Latin noun alea, which refers to a kind of dice game, aleatory was first used in English in the late 17th century to describe things that are dependent on uncertain odds, much like a roll of the dice. The term now describes things that occur by sheer chance or accident, such as the unlucky bounce of a golf shot or the unusual shape of an ink blot. Going a bit further, the term "aleatory music" (also called "aleatoric music" or "chance music") describes a musical composition in which certain parts are left for the performer to concoct through improvisation.
Aired July 9, 2021
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