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October 17, 2018

Word of the Day: Acceptation

1 CQ

Word of the Day : October 17, 2018

acceptation \ak-sep-TAY-shun\ noun


1 : acceptance; especially : favorable reception or approval

2 : a generally accepted meaning of a word or understanding of a concept

Did You Know?

Acceptation is older than its synonym acceptance; it first appeared in print in the 15th century, whereas acceptance makes a 16th-century appearance. Grammarian H. W. Fowler insisted in 1926 that acceptation and acceptance were not actually synonymous (he preferred to reserve acceptation for the "accepted meaning" use), but the earliest meaning of acceptation was indeed acceptance. Both words descend from the Anglo-French word accepter ("to accept"), but acceptation took an extra step. Anglo-French added the -ation ending, which was changed to form acceptacioun in Middle English. (English embraced the present-day -ation ending later.) Acceptance simply comes from accepter plus the Anglo-French -ance.

Aired October 17, 2018

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