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Margaret's Crafts
All Lessons by Margaret's Crafts
15 minFREECrafts lessonFree8 CQ
Now that you’ve got the basics of your cardboard box assembled, it’s time to put the lid and body together in part 2 of this DIY craft lesson.
with Margaret's CraftsNow that you’ve got the basics of your cardboard box assembled, it’s time to put the lid and body together in part 2 of this DIY craft lesson.
10 minFREECrafts lessonFree6 CQ
Need a place to store your photos or scrapbooking materials? In part 1 of this DIY craft series, learn how to make a simple cardboard box and its lid.
with Margaret's CraftsNeed a place to store your photos or scrapbooking materials? In part 1 of this DIY craft series, learn how to make a simple cardboard box and its lid.