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Lotions and Potions
Sima C.

Enjoy making your own cosmetics? Lotions and Potions will teach you how to make your own bath and body products using ingredients that are widely available. The tutorials show you how to make bath salt, homemade bath bombs, spa quality massage oil, homemade body scrubs, DIY lip balm, among other products that can be expensive to buy commercially. There are a couple videos about making products for babies in case you wanted to have a quick, easy and handmade gift available.

About Me:
When I went to university, I finished with a chemistry degree. The jobs I had were soul sucking, mindless and boring. But in 2005, after an innocent question from my younger sister, I decided to start Lotions and Potions. At first it provided a way for me to make products that suited our super dry climate in Canada, however I wanted to share my knowledge and love of creating more than I wanted to make endless quantities of the same things. So I started recording lessons in a community kitchen to show people that making a variety of different products was fast and affordable.


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