My goal as a tennis coach is to be a bridge between the pros and average players who are seeking to understand how pros play and want to improve their game to the extent that they have never imagined.
For the first 15 years of my tennis career, I struggled to find the key ingredients of how professionals play. Once I figured it out, I could not believe how easy it was! Of course you need to understand the correct progressions and put tons of hard work into your game, but it is no mystery. Growing up, I tried to imitate the strokes of professional players but it always seemed too difficult and not easily reproducible on court. Have you ever had that feeling? I came to realize what the pros were doing when I started to teach tennis full-time. For over 8 years, I have been fine-tuning little details so that my students, young and old, can have a taste of what it is like to strike a tennis ball like the pros.
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622 min6-part Sports course14 CQ
There’s a lot more to tennis than thwacking the ball over the net. Lock and Roll Tennis offers lessons on everything from getting the right gear, to learning the rules, to mastering basic techniques.
with Lock and Roll TennisThere’s a lot more to tennis than thwacking the ball over the net. Lock and Roll Tennis offers lessons on everything from getting the right gear, to learning the rules, to mastering basic techniques.
Other Lessons by Lock and Roll Tennis
2 minFREESports lessonFree2 CQ
Why bend over backwards- or bend over at all- to pick up a tennis ball? Learn Rafael Nadal's sweet trick for getting the ball off the ground using his feet.
with Lock and Roll TennisWhy bend over backwards- or bend over at all- to pick up a tennis ball? Learn Rafael Nadal's sweet trick for getting the ball off the ground using his feet.
2 minSports lesson2 CQ
Lock and Roll Tennis shows you how to start a rally with advantage. Hit the ball as it drops, with a pendulum sweep, before it hits the ground. Watch and learn!
with Lock and Roll TennisLock and Roll Tennis shows you how to start a rally with advantage. Hit the ball as it drops, with a pendulum sweep, before it hits the ground. Watch and learn!
2 minSports lesson2 CQ
How do tennis pros hit the ball so hard and yet so effortlessly? Learn a theory of movement and a full body exercise to feel the relaxed power you can unleash.
with Lock and Roll TennisHow do tennis pros hit the ball so hard and yet so effortlessly? Learn a theory of movement and a full body exercise to feel the relaxed power you can unleash.