Climb the Lindy Ladder w/ champion instructors Mark & Shauna.
All Lessons by Lindy Ladder
4 minFREEDance lessonFree3 CQ
Want to learn how to do the Lindy Hop? Originating in Harlem, this swing dance is known for its lively hopping. Learn Lindy basics for beginners in this lesson.
with Lindy LadderWant to learn how to do the Lindy Hop? Originating in Harlem, this swing dance is known for its lively hopping. Learn Lindy basics for beginners in this lesson.
4 minFREEDance lessonFree3 CQ
Learn how to "Swing Out," the crowning move of the Lindy Hop. Also learn how to twist, the Lindy Circle, and the Promenade in this beginning dance lesson.
with Lindy LadderLearn how to "Swing Out," the crowning move of the Lindy Hop. Also learn how to twist, the Lindy Circle, and the Promenade in this beginning dance lesson.