
  • 10
    98 min
    10-part Viola course
    54 CQ
    How to Play the Viola
    A 10-part course with Teton Music
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    Love the sound of the violin, but crave a deeper, richer tone? In this course, conductor and musician Michelle Willis from Teton Music teaches beginner musicians the basics of how to play the viola.

    Love the sound of the violin, but crave a deeper, richer tone? In this course, conductor and musician Michelle Willis from Teton Music teaches beginner musicians the basics of how to play the viola.

  • Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. -Thomas Huxley
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  • 1 min
    Viola lesson
    1 CQ
    When to rent vs. buy a viola
    A lesson with Teton Music
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  • 2 min
    Viola lesson
    2 CQ
    Shoulder Rests for Violin and Viola
    A lesson with Sarah Joy
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    A comfortable shoulder rest rounds off a violist's or violinist's setup. In this lesson, learn proper shoulder rest position and where to buy them online.

    A comfortable shoulder rest rounds off a violist's or violinist's setup. In this lesson, learn proper shoulder rest position and where to buy them online.

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