HI I'm Jamie and I am teaching 3d animation and modeling techniques using Blender, a free 3d animation suite.
I am based in Canberra, Australia, and have earned an Advanced Diploma in 3d animation. I have used many different software packages for 3d animation over the last 12 or so years and I keep coming back to Blender.
All Lessons by Jamie
18 minFREEAnimation lessonFree10 CQ
Learn how to make fire in Blender 2.65's fire and smoke simulator by learning how to control the fire's texture, color, flame size, baking, and more!
with JamieLearn how to make fire in Blender 2.65's fire and smoke simulator by learning how to control the fire's texture, color, flame size, baking, and more!
18 minFREE3D Design lessonFree10 CQ
Learn how to trace a text object, add cell fracture, and use the Blender Game Engine to create an animation of block text smashing and shattering.
with JamieLearn how to trace a text object, add cell fracture, and use the Blender Game Engine to create an animation of block text smashing and shattering.
14 minFREE3D Design lessonFree8 CQ
In this Blender lesson, learn how to do basic retopology in order to build a lower density mesh around a high density mesh to increase usability.
with JamieIn this Blender lesson, learn how to do basic retopology in order to build a lower density mesh around a high density mesh to increase usability.