Jesse Borkowski is an award winning filmmaker and digital strategy consultant with extensive online production, distribution, and marketing experience. He is a nationally recognized Princess Grace Film Honoraria, a Jury Prize winner at the Szeged International Super8 Film Festival, and a First Place winner at the After Hours Film Festival. His work has been awarded six Telly Awards in the categories of Viral Video, Social Responsibility, Use of High-Definition, Editing, Recruitment and Use of Humor.
337 min3-part 3D Design course20 CQ
Want to produce a professional-looking music video with multiple cameras? This course from award-winning filmmaker and digital strategy consultant Jesse Borkowski shows how to edit a multicam video.
with Jesse BorkowskiWant to produce a professional-looking music video with multiple cameras? This course from award-winning filmmaker and digital strategy consultant Jesse Borkowski shows how to edit a multicam video.
Other Lessons by Jesse Borkowski
10 minVideo Editing lesson6 CQ
Need to adjust the exposure of your film footage? This lesson covers waveform display and color correction for Cinema DNG files in DaVinci Resolve.
with Jesse BorkowskiNeed to adjust the exposure of your film footage? This lesson covers waveform display and color correction for Cinema DNG files in DaVinci Resolve.
6 minFREEAdobe Suite lessonFree4 CQ
Have a sequence in Adobe Premiere that you need to composite in After Effects? To save time and disk space, use Dynamic Link to link compositions to each other.
with Jesse BorkowskiHave a sequence in Adobe Premiere that you need to composite in After Effects? To save time and disk space, use Dynamic Link to link compositions to each other.