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How to Spell
Spelling lessons for adults

Joanne Rudling has over 20 years' experience teaching all aspects of literacy, English and writing. Currently developing and running online spelling courses for adults.

Worked in various organisations in the UK including City of Westminster College, Bournemouth & Poole College, and Bournemouth Film School (now Arts University College of Bournemouth).

Developed and taught on literacy projects for the Pre-Volunteer Programme for the Olympics and the RNIB (Royal National Institute for the Blind.)

Delivered seminars, training courses and CPD (Continued Profession Development) sessions for teachers and lecturers on literacy and spelling.

Currently working on Amazon.com dramas editing their American closed captions/ sub-titles to British spellings - fascinating!

New lesson from How to Spell

New lesson from How to Spell

I'm thrilled to share my latest lesson on Curious - Using Hyphens in Compound Words.

Hyphen use in English is complicated, but in this lesson I'll take you through some common words that use hyphens such as numbers, ages, and adjectives. We'll even look at how a little hyphen can change the meaning of sentences!

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

from How to Spell

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