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How to Spell
Spelling lessons for adults

Joanne Rudling has over 20 years' experience teaching all aspects of literacy, English and writing. Currently developing and running online spelling courses for adults.

Worked in various organisations in the UK including City of Westminster College, Bournemouth & Poole College, and Bournemouth Film School (now Arts University College of Bournemouth).

Developed and taught on literacy projects for the Pre-Volunteer Programme for the Olympics and the RNIB (Royal National Institute for the Blind.)

Delivered seminars, training courses and CPD (Continued Profession Development) sessions for teachers and lecturers on literacy and spelling.

Currently working on Amazon.com dramas editing their American closed captions/ sub-titles to British spellings - fascinating!

All Posts by How to Spell
Make 2020 the year you really improve your spelling

Learning spelling rules is a great way to improve your spelling, and also helps you understand why certain letter patterns occur, and why a word is spelled the way it is.

In this Rules of English spelling course, you'll start to see the logic behind confusing spelling conventions.

It's suitable for both American and British users.

Join me now, and enjoy learning these rules!

from How to Spell

Check out my new course, ESL Spelling Strategies!

I'm thrilled to share my newest course, ESL Spelling Strategies.

Improve your spelling by using strategies that build confidence, including seeing words within words, recognizing letter patterns, breaking words into syllables, and using prefixes and suffixes.

Looking forward to seeing you on the course!

Curiously yours,
How to Spell

New course from How to Spell

Make 2015 the year you learn to spell well!

Strong spellers are not born that way—it takes patience! In this Rules of English spelling course, How to Spell explains the logic behind confusing spelling conventions.

Start by learning key vocabulary, then explore rules like the silent “E” and the “ie”/“ei” rule, and find out how to deal with words ending in specific letters.

Sharpen your understanding of forming plurals and conjugating verbs, and find out about helpful strategies for memorizing these fascinating rules! Worksheets included.

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

Curiously yours,
from How to Spell

Beginner's Guide to English Punctuation, now on Curious.com

I am excited to share my latest course on Curious, Beginner's Guide to English Punctuation!

Punctuation adds clarity, complexity, and rhythm to writing. We also depend on it to create meaning and to make writing easier to read. In this course from How to Spell, make punctuation your friend!

I hope you enjoy the new course!

How to Spell

New lesson from How to Spell

I'm thrilled to share my latest lesson on Curious, The Importance of Punctuation!

Find out why punctuation is important, and learn how understanding proper punctuation gives writers more choices and can improve spelling and grammar.

Let me know what you think of the lesson. And remember, I'm here if you have any questions!


New Curious lesson - Using Apostrophes for Possession

I'm thrilled to share my newest lesson Using Apostrophes for Possession.

In the world of grammar, the apostrophe for possession is one of the hardest punctuation marks to use correctly. Discover the rules for usage in this lesson!

Happy Learning!


from How to Spell

Latest lesson from How to Spell

Ready for a new lesson? I am excited to share my recent lesson Using Apostrophes for Contractions.

Apostrophes are used for more than possession! In this lesson, review how to use apostrophes for contractions, short forms, and tricky homophones.

See you in the lesson.

from How to Spell

New Curious lesson - When to Use Capital Letters

Ready for a new lesson? I'm excited to share my most recently published lesson When to Use Capital Letters.

Using capital letters makes your writing look more professional. Find out how to use capital letters to indicate proper nouns and the beginnings of sentences.

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

Joanne from How to Spell

New lesson from How to Spell

I'm thrilled to share my latest lesson on Curious - Using Hyphens in Compound Words.

Hyphen use in English is complicated, but in this lesson I'll take you through some common words that use hyphens such as numbers, ages, and adjectives. We'll even look at how a little hyphen can change the meaning of sentences!

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

from How to Spell

New lesson from How to Spell

I am excited to share my latest lesson on Curious, Spelling Rules for “Your” & “You’re”!

Confusing “your” and “you’re” is a common spelling mistake. Learn spelling strategies that will help you remember which one to use when writing or proofreading.

Happy Learning!


New Curious lesson - Use It or Lose It! Spelling Tips Recap

Ready for a new lesson? I am excited to share my most recently published lesson Use It or Lose It! Spelling Tips Recap.

So you've watched all the Top Ten Spelling Tips, but how many can you remember? Review key tips, and learn how to keep spelling skills sharp!

Joanne, How to Spell

Latest lesson from How to Spell

I'm thrilled to share my newest lesson Spelling Rules for "Write" & "Writing".

People have a lot of problems spelling “writing.” In this lesson we're looking at some spelling rules to understand how to spell “write,” “writing,” “wrote,” and “written.”

Cheers, Joanne from How to Spell

New Curious lesson - Top Ten Spelling Rules

I am excited to share my latest lesson on Curious, Top Ten Spelling Rules!

Learn the top ten spelling rules for English. This lesson from How to Spell also discusses helpful strategies to improve spelling. Don’t forget the exceptions!

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think.

Cheers, Joanne from How to Spell

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