Wynn Godbold is an independent certified John Maxwell trainer, coach, and speaker. She works with educators and businesses to create the flow of joy and success. If you’re looking for quick tricks to solve your success problems, you won’t find them here. Wynn believes people are successful when they invest and commit to the process of growing personally and professionally. To fill your life, your work place, your schools with successful people you must invest in developing leaders, not simply give them a trick to use. Tricks and gimmicks are short lived. Great leadership lasts a lifetime.
415 min4-part Teaching Skills course9 CQ
This course from educator Wynn Godbold discusses how leadership means having influence on your students, ways to bring victory to your class, and how the process of learning to lead is a group effort.
with Wynn GodboldThis course from educator Wynn Godbold discusses how leadership means having influence on your students, ways to bring victory to your class, and how the process of learning to lead is a group effort.
Wynn Godbold's Enrolled Lessons
6 minFREEMarketing lessonFree4 CQ
Choose the right social media network to promote your business with help from this lesson! Covered are tips on building a social platform for any industry.
Choose the right social media network to promote your business with help from this lesson! Covered are tips on building a social platform for any industry.
2 minFREESports lessonFree2 CQ
Hit a forehand shot like Nadal or Federer in four basic steps! This quick tennis lesson covers the semi-western grip, which gives extra topspin.
with Full Swing TennisHit a forehand shot like Nadal or Federer in four basic steps! This quick tennis lesson covers the semi-western grip, which gives extra topspin.