Lawrie Montague of Golf Confidence Academy has been a member of the Professional Golfers Association of Australia since 1985. A former National Coach of Australia (1992 – 1999) and a career golf instructor for more than twenty years, he has spent more than twenty five thousand hours on the lesson tee honing the games of novice golfers through to tournament professionals.
After playing the Australian golf circuit through the mid eighties he decided to dedicate his career to helping golfers of all levels of ability to maximise their potential and have more fun from their golfing experience.
From these humble beginnings he has influenced thousands of golfers from all over the world to embrace his unique philosophy on learning and playing golf to your potential.
All Lessons by Golf Confidence Pro
5 minFREEGolf lessonFree3 CQ
It’s always time to work on your golf swing. This lesson demonstrates how to swing a golf club without coming over the top of the ball. Improve your swing!
with Golf Confidence ProIt’s always time to work on your golf swing. This lesson demonstrates how to swing a golf club without coming over the top of the ball. Improve your swing!
7 minFREEGolf lessonFree4 CQ
Looking to improve the power and effectiveness of your drives? Golf Confidence Pro breaks down the perfect stance to hit consistent tee shots.
with Golf Confidence ProLooking to improve the power and effectiveness of your drives? Golf Confidence Pro breaks down the perfect stance to hit consistent tee shots.