Mind + Body

Neuroscience for Personal Growth

89 CQ
37 Lessons
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    1. Neurocognitive and Behavioral Approach
    A lesson with Brain Academy
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    The neurocognitive and behavioral approach (NBA) allows researchers to better understand how the brain works; learn how the NBA developed in this lesson.

    The neurocognitive and behavioral approach (NBA) allows researchers to better understand how the brain works; learn how the NBA developed in this lesson.

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    2. Functions of the Reptilian Brain
    A lesson with Brain Academy
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    We've all heard of the "fight or flight" response, but did you know there's a third option? Discover the role of the reptilian brain in keeping you alive!

    We've all heard of the "fight or flight" response, but did you know there's a third option? Discover the role of the reptilian brain in keeping you alive!

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    3 CQ
    3. Stress Responses
    A lesson with Brain Academy
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    Even though you may not experience life-threatening situations on a daily basis, you probably deal with stress. Find out the three most common stress responses!

    Even though you may not experience life-threatening situations on a daily basis, you probably deal with stress. Find out the three most common stress responses!

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    4. Stress Management
    A lesson with Brain Academy
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    Find out why there is no such thing as positive stress, and discover a few helpful stress reduction techniques including perspective shifts and deep breathing.

    Find out why there is no such thing as positive stress, and discover a few helpful stress reduction techniques including perspective shifts and deep breathing.

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    5. Multisensory Exercise
    A lesson with Brain Academy
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    If you're wondering how to access your prefrontal brain (the part responsible for abstract thinking and thought analysis), try this multisensory exercise.

    If you're wondering how to access your prefrontal brain (the part responsible for abstract thinking and thought analysis), try this multisensory exercise.

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rizwan k
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Simone B
This course on NBA is amazing and very informative.
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David C
I have read that neurons actually shrink during sleep thus allowing toxins that have built up during the awakened state to flow past and out. How correct is this? If so, at what stage in sleep does this purging occur?
Brain Academy
Hi David, It is correct what you read. whilst we sleep, we 'clean up' our brain and 'put the garbage out'. By shrinking, our neurons give way for this 'garbage' to leave. Regarding the stage at which that occurs, I couldn't find additional information. It seems the research hasn't been done yet.
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