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Dr Peter Dalmaris
Tech Guru @ Tech Explorations

Peter is fascinated by technology because of its ability to make amazing things happen, and science because of its ability to make nature transparent.

He is an Electrical and Computer Engineer, has a PhD (most of which was spent reading philosophy of knowledge) and a couple of Masters in Information Systems.

He has been a lecturer for over 13 years in a variety of IT (and occasionally management) subjects. During this time, he has developed a hands-on teaching style, whereby he invites and challenges his students to learn by doing. He has taught thousands of students in dozens of undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Peter is also a software developer at Futureshock Enterprises, making applications using Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and iOS.

I have been an electronics enthusiast since I remembers myself wrecking my sister's digital watch and my parents VCR. I replaced the watch but managed to fix the VCR.

Now, I am particularly fascinated by the rapid prototyping opportunities that the Arduino and similar platforms has brought about.

I live in Sydney, Australia.


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