How to Calculate Percentages

2 CQ

What does it mean when an item is 50% off or someone is 100% sure? In this lesson, you will learn to crunch percentages for math class or out sale shopping!

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Kim F
What about the option to multiply by 60 percent to get the final number in one step?
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Fabulously Artsy
Cute! I don't see why everyone is complaining about the child's voice... it's a kid's lesson, silly people! Thanks for the lesson!
Sanjay Noronha
Thank you very much. We are taking the inputs very constructively . This will only result in better pedagogical outputs from our team. Go well.
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david c
I agree sandra L the voice it very annoying and distracting
B. M
Me too... Voice is TERRIBLE...
Sanjay Noronha
Noted. Thank you.
500 characters max
Mary F
Good job.
Sanjay Noronha
Thank you Mary.
500 characters max
Sandra L
The voice in this lesson is annoying and hard to least for me. The pitch is too high and childish for a serious lesson.
Sanjay Noronha
Noted. Thank you.
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