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Failure Optional

My name is Eric Worral and I am the creator of FailureOptional.com. I spent most of adult work life pursuing contracts in the field of Experiential Event Marketing. I enjoyed the work for a few years because it allowed me to travel and meet new people but after awhile I found myself bored, uninspired, and shackled to my work. Despite this I still tried to make a career of Event Marketing by taking on a fulltime position with a local Marketing agency.

I soon realized I had very little say in my life. My schedule, time, and attitude were being dictated by a job. I decided to leave this field and start up my own business. I started an Internet Marketing company helping businesses with their online presence. I was scared as all hell but managed to learn so much in comparison to years past. I realized I was able to conquer my fear of failure and a major positive in my life came from it.

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