We are serious about knots and we wants to teach you how to tie them. From simple knots to complex systems, we will show you the way to make beautiful knotty knots to knots you will use every day.
All Lessons by eXtremePara
5 minOutdoors lesson3 CQ
Ready to learn a super useful paracord knot? This diamond knot will serve you well in all kinds of circumstances and make you a backwoods hero!
with eXtremeParaReady to learn a super useful paracord knot? This diamond knot will serve you well in all kinds of circumstances and make you a backwoods hero!
4 minFREEOutdoors lessonFree3 CQ
Ready to unleash your inner dragon? You totally are! Learn how to tie a dragon claw knot to make a super sweet paracord bracelet. Visual instructions guide you!
with eXtremeParaReady to unleash your inner dragon? You totally are! Learn how to tie a dragon claw knot to make a super sweet paracord bracelet. Visual instructions guide you!
9 minCrafts lesson5 CQ
Want to make an awesome paracord bracelet? Who doesn't?! Just follow along with these simple visual paracord bracelet instructions and you'll have your own!
with eXtremeParaWant to make an awesome paracord bracelet? Who doesn't?! Just follow along with these simple visual paracord bracelet instructions and you'll have your own!