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Nerdy Curio

September 30, 2018

Mechanical Hummingbirds

3 CQ

This Nerdy Curio is brought to you by Engines of Our Ingenuity. Episode: 3185 Mechanical Hummingbirds.  Today, improving upon nature.

Aired September 13, 2018

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Alan W
No need to be rude! It appears you missed my point entirely. And it’s Stephen Hawking.
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How much would the amount of energy change in humming bird simultaneously during the full pull up push down cycle in the bird Had 2 sets of wings (pair on top and pr on the underside so that one push while one pulled
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Alan W
The content here is fairly good but the delivery! Andy Boyd doesn’t need to sound so stilted, preachy and emphatic to get his point across. Today’s piece was extolling the virtues of natural but pointing out some of the drawbacks. It struck me that Mr. Boyd’s delivery was, and is often, painfully unnatural. Kind of ironic.
Get a life. You may not like the way Boyd says it. Your loss for your concern may have take away his message Ever listened to Stephen Hawkins?
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