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Nerdy Curio

February 26, 2017

Expectations of Brilliance

2 CQ

There are far fewer women in STEM fields, but why? Research indicates that our expectation and assumptions may play an important role. In lieu of Maryam Mirzakhani recently becoming the first woman to win the Fields Medal, Engines of our Ingenuity takes a look at who we expect to be brilliant.

Aired February 14, 2017

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Dorothy K
"In lieu of" means "in place of" or "replacing". Your second sentence really doesn't make much sense.
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Candice S
it's also such a hard work for women to getas high achievements as men
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Jennifer M
This fact of different expectations always disappoints me. But I was surprised by it when I first learned of it because I grew up just assuming girls were smarter, because I was generally the smartest kid in the class. I was never discouraged from pursuing excellence in any field and I'm glad I was not aware of this growing up. I am now 45 and very successful in a STEM field. Probably not Nobel bound, but still doing well. I was 38 before I faced an obstacle just for being female but no prob.
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