
How to Make Art in Oil Pastels for Kids

38 CQ
5 Lessons
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    8 CQ
    1. Painting a Butterfly With Oil Pastels
    A lesson with Em Winn
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    Designed with beginners in mind, this Monarch Butterfly pastel art project is perfect for children over the age of six, but is also fun for the whole family!

    with Em Winn

    Designed with beginners in mind, this Monarch Butterfly pastel art project is perfect for children over the age of six, but is also fun for the whole family!

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    8 CQ
    2. Drawing an Ugly Bunny in Pastel for Kids
    A lesson with Em Winn
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    Kids and beginner artists can follow along in this art lesson on drawing an ugly bunny cartoon character using pencil, oil pastel, and a paper bag for a canvas!

    with Em Winn

    Kids and beginner artists can follow along in this art lesson on drawing an ugly bunny cartoon character using pencil, oil pastel, and a paper bag for a canvas!

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    7 CQ
    3. Drawing a Cathedral in Pastels for Kids
    A lesson with Em Winn
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    Discover a desert vista in this art lesson designed for kids, and learn how how to draw a cathedral in the desert using oil pastels and black paper.

    with Em Winn

    Discover a desert vista in this art lesson designed for kids, and learn how how to draw a cathedral in the desert using oil pastels and black paper.

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    8 CQ
    4. Drawing Mexican Folk Art in Oil Pastel
    A lesson with Em Winn
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    In this art lesson all about creative discovery, get inspired to create a Mexican folk art themed pastel drawing, with step-by-step instructions.

    with Em Winn

    In this art lesson all about creative discovery, get inspired to create a Mexican folk art themed pastel drawing, with step-by-step instructions.

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    7 CQ
    5. Drawing a Puppy in Oil Pastels for Kids
    A lesson with Em Winn
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    Create a cute puppy in this art lesson using oil pastels and a brown paper bag as the paper. Quick and fun, this art lesson is perfect for kids six and up!

    with Em Winn

    Create a cute puppy in this art lesson using oil pastels and a brown paper bag as the paper. Quick and fun, this art lesson is perfect for kids six and up!

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Kerry T
Em, you are amazing! i love your designs and your demeanor. I live in Uganda and volunteer with children from a children's home who lack so much. They will be learning your techniques and designs. They will love it and it may be life changing for some of these kids. I have tons of art books but you make it so easy. You are my new GO TO!
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Qinxiang L
It is also suitable for younger kids.
Em Winn
Hi! Thank you for taking this class...I hope that you enjoyed it. I agree, this class is suitable for kids :) Take care and Keep Creating! ~Em
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