My name is Gabe Helguera and I am here to help you become a better drummer!
10115 min10-part Drums course62 CQ
It goes without saying that learning how to play the drums takes time, patience, and discipline. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! In this comprehensive rock 'n' roll drumming course, learn how to set up your drum kit, warm up, and play three basic beats. Next, review keeping time, playing fills, and using a double bass pedal. Finally, after mastering the building blocks, complete the course by learning an entire indie rock song so you are ready play with a band!
with Drum Beats OnlineIt goes without saying that learning how to play the drums takes time, patience, and discipline. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! In this comprehensive rock 'n' roll drumming course, learn how to set up your drum kit, warm up, and play three basic beats. Next, review keeping time, playing fills, and using a double bass pedal. Finally, after mastering the building blocks, complete the course by learning an entire indie rock song so you are ready play with a band!
10113 min10-part Drums course61 CQ
These 12 lessons cover some of the hottest topics for intermediate drummers—such as linear drumming, ghost notes, time signatures such as 5/4 and 7/8, and triplet fills.
with Drum Beats OnlineThese 12 lessons cover some of the hottest topics for intermediate drummers—such as linear drumming, ghost notes, time signatures such as 5/4 and 7/8, and triplet fills.
422 min4-part Drums course14 CQ
In this beginner’s guide to drumming course with Gabe from Drum Beats Online, get started with the basics of drumming by learning to count the beats, and play drum fills and tom beats.
with Drum Beats OnlineIn this beginner’s guide to drumming course with Gabe from Drum Beats Online, get started with the basics of drumming by learning to count the beats, and play drum fills and tom beats.
Other Lessons by Drum Beats Online
4 minFREEDrums lessonFree3 CQ
Are you ready to rock and roll? Not until you've discovered the drum fill! Learn three of these cool mini drum solos in this online drum lesson on fills.
with Drum Beats OnlineAre you ready to rock and roll? Not until you've discovered the drum fill! Learn three of these cool mini drum solos in this online drum lesson on fills.
7 minDrums lesson4 CQ
Want to learn how to play the drums? This lesson introduces you to the most common 4/4 beat and breaks down the purpose of each drum in a traditional set.
with Drum Beats OnlineWant to learn how to play the drums? This lesson introduces you to the most common 4/4 beat and breaks down the purpose of each drum in a traditional set.