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Benjamin Halsall
software trainer, designer, video editor & surfer

I am a software trainer, designer, video editor & surfer.

I have over 15 years experience designing on both Mac and Windows platforms. I work with clients who need a designer that can bring the technical experience which will enable them to take control of their own projects.

I can help to bring your design costs down by training you to update and edit your own content.

If you’d like to chat to me about a project or course just drop me an e-mail at design@benhalsall.com .

Color Control in Photoshop from Ben Halsall - Beginner Tutorial

Color Control in Photoshop from Ben Halsall - Beginner Tutorial

I'd love to share with you my newest lesson on Curious, How to Use Color Controls in Photoshop.

In this beginner-level Adobe Photoshop lesson, learn to easily adjust the colour of images to create a look or feel by using Hue/Saturation Adjustment layers.

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

Benjamin Halsall

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