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Benjamin Halsall
software trainer, designer, video editor & surfer

I am a software trainer, designer, video editor & surfer.

I have over 15 years experience designing on both Mac and Windows platforms. I work with clients who need a designer that can bring the technical experience which will enable them to take control of their own projects.

I can help to bring your design costs down by training you to update and edit your own content.

If you’d like to chat to me about a project or course just drop me an e-mail at design@benhalsall.com .

All Posts by Benjamin Halsall
I have a new lesson, Making Abstract Shapes with the Pen Tool!

I'd love to share with you my newest lesson on Curious, Making Abstract Shapes with the Pen Tool.

Learn all about the pen tool in Photoshop with this fun and creative lesson that demonstrates how to make custom shapes, and work with gradient fills and color.

Looking forward to seeing your comments!

Curiously yours,
Benjamin Halsall

Abstract Painting with Processing, now on Curious.com

Ready for a new lesson? I am excited to share one of my favorite lesson creations, Abstract Painting with Processing.

In this class you mix a little code (don't worry you don't need to be a programmer) and some image know-how to create fantastic abstract creations.

Curious about creating abstract generative digital paintings? The process is quite simple by writing basic code in Processing, an open source coding language!

Looking forward to seeing your Curious Assignment!

Curiously yours,
Benjamin Halsall

Color Control in Photoshop from Ben Halsall - Beginner Tutorial

I'd love to share with you my newest lesson on Curious, How to Use Color Controls in Photoshop.

In this beginner-level Adobe Photoshop lesson, learn to easily adjust the colour of images to create a look or feel by using Hue/Saturation Adjustment layers.

Take a look and let me know in the comments what you think!

Benjamin Halsall

Photoshop Class: Double Exposure Creation - Check it Out!

I am excited to share my latest lesson on Curious, How to Make Photoshop Double Exposures !

In this Photoshop lesson, discover key features in this powerful Adobe software, and learn how to create a double exposure effect by using clipping masks.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Benjamin Halsall

New Lesson: Creating an Image Grid in Photoshop

Hey everyone,

Thanks for enrolling in my classes. I'm excited to share my new class on the topic of image grid creation in Adobe Photoshop.

In this Adobe Photoshop lesson for emerging graphic designers, learn how to create an image grid, align images, and add cool color effects.


Ben Halsall

Designing Repeated Patterns in Photoshop, now on Curious.com

I'm thrilled to share my newest lesson, Designing Repeated Patterns in Photoshop.

In this project-based lesson for emerging graphic designers, discover how to make a cool circular colour pattern by customizing shapes in Adobe Photoshop!

Let me know what you think of the lesson. And remember, I'm here if you have any questions!

Ben Halsall

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