Dani Diamond
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Dani Diamond

Fashion, couples and landscape photographer based out of NYC. Writer at Fstoppers and keeping myself extra busy with "The Project"

Photography is a passion. I do it because I love it; getting paid for it is simply a bonus. I'm often asked what kind of photography I dedicate myself to. But I find it difficult to confine myself to a label such as a couples photographer, product photographer, etc. My philosophy is that an artist is always growing and there is no reason to put a limits on the artist's skills. With that in mind, if someone presents an idea, even if it is out of my "comfort zone," I consider
it. Regardless, I do have my personal favorites. I love shooting seascapes, couples, fashion and products.

Within everyone there is artistic skills that can be tapped into, but only those who are passionate and ambitious ever tap into that and become artists. I wasn't born talented, I was born ambitious.

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