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Crafts, Names, and Things!
Where Being Crafty Isn't Just A Hobby, It's My Way Of Life!

Hello and Welcome! Thanks for visiting by my page 

My name is Shemi Dixon.

I am a Handmade gift designer, online business owner, and a self professed pinterest addict!

I love to create simple, fun and easy crafts. Most of my crafts are created from affordable, recycled, and Eco-friendly products and materials. In most cases, you already have everything you need around your home, to create beautiful crafts. Crafting doesn’t have to be expensive.

All my crafts are perfect for Crafters/Creators of all levels, beginners to advance.

I love inspiring, and teaching other people to tap into their creativity.

Let's share ideas and create beautiful, meaningful gifts and crafts together!

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Ready for a new lesson? I am excited to share my most recently published lesson DIY Custom-Made Gift Basket | Pt 1.

Unique gift idea alert! Learn how to create a beautiful, one-of-a-kind gift basket perfect for every occasion. This two-part lesson series will show you how.

Happy Learning!

Crafts, Names, and Things!

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