qualified network technician here to get you up to speed with all things networking and all things tech
11145 min11-part Hardware course80 CQ
Want to become a certified computer genius? Take on the rewarding challenge of building and customizing your own PC. CPU Modder reveals the necessary parts and calls out beginner PC builder mistakes.
with CPU ModderWant to become a certified computer genius? Take on the rewarding challenge of building and customizing your own PC. CPU Modder reveals the necessary parts and calls out beginner PC builder mistakes.
858 min8-part Basic Computing course35 CQ
In this course, pick up expert advice about setting up a computer safely and quickly, creating a network drive, replacing a laptop screen, installing a CPU, overclocking your computer, and more!
with CPU ModderIn this course, pick up expert advice about setting up a computer safely and quickly, creating a network drive, replacing a laptop screen, installing a CPU, overclocking your computer, and more!
11110 min11-part Computer Science course61 CQ
Learn how to set up a do-it-yourself home wireless network in this course. From terminology and equipment to setup and best practices, this hands-on IT course teaches how to build a wifi network.
with CPU ModderLearn how to set up a do-it-yourself home wireless network in this course. From terminology and equipment to setup and best practices, this hands-on IT course teaches how to build a wifi network.
Other Lessons by CPU Modder
6 minBasic Computing lesson4 CQ
In this lesson, learn about the domain name system, or DNS, and the complex communication that happens in a split second when you look up a website.
with CPU ModderIn this lesson, learn about the domain name system, or DNS, and the complex communication that happens in a split second when you look up a website.
12 minBasic Computing lesson7 CQ
From cleaning up your old laptop, to finding the best place to sell it, to photographing it, learn the best tips for selling your laptop in this lesson.
with CPU ModderFrom cleaning up your old laptop, to finding the best place to sell it, to photographing it, learn the best tips for selling your laptop in this lesson.
18 minHardware lesson10 CQ
Learn how to use the Cisco Packet Tracer. Begin with a basic overview of the user interface, and then learn how to set up and configure the network.
with CPU ModderLearn how to use the Cisco Packet Tracer. Begin with a basic overview of the user interface, and then learn how to set up and configure the network.