My name is Ben and surfing is my passion.
There is a lot of information available to help you learn how to surf. I want to help you with a few little things that make a big difference along your surfing journey.
When I'm not in the water or filming & writing reviews for CompareSurfboards.com, I run several online businesses with a background in Management Consulting, Banking and Finance.
For the latest surfboard reviews and surf hardware news and updates, sign up at CompareSurfboards.com.
All the best,
All Lessons by Benny | CompareSurfboards.com
3 minFREESports lessonFree2 CQ
If you’re slippin’ and slidin’ all over your surfboard, it probably needs a wax! For any board old or new, a coat of wax is necessary to your surfing technique.
If you’re slippin’ and slidin’ all over your surfboard, it probably needs a wax! For any board old or new, a coat of wax is necessary to your surfing technique.
2 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
Understanding the tools of one's trade is essential for the longer term appreciation of any endeavor. Here, understand the basics of surfboard design.
Understanding the tools of one's trade is essential for the longer term appreciation of any endeavor. Here, understand the basics of surfboard design.