In over a decade of teaching experience at urban and rural high schools, I’ve taught AP U.S. History, Government, Sociology, Economics, Psychology, and Global History. As the Founding Fathers understood, democracy works best when citizens are well educated and politically active. Through Citizen Genius, I’m striving to help others (and myself) become more educated, and therefore, better citizens.
525 min5-part Political Science course15 CQ
This course provides an overview of the U.S. census, how Congressional seats are apportioned, the redistricting process within states, as well as how and why gerrymandering occurs.
with Citizen GeniusThis course provides an overview of the U.S. census, how Congressional seats are apportioned, the redistricting process within states, as well as how and why gerrymandering occurs.
839 min8-part Political Science course23 CQ
In this U.S. history course, learn about key features of the U.S. government, including the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, three branches, checks and balances, and federalism.
with Citizen GeniusIn this U.S. history course, learn about key features of the U.S. government, including the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, three branches, checks and balances, and federalism.
314 min3-part Political Science course9 CQ
Citizen Genius lays out the history of the Electoral College system-- and explains how it works, the reason behind the compromise that created it, as well as the 12th Amendment.
with Citizen GeniusCitizen Genius lays out the history of the Electoral College system-- and explains how it works, the reason behind the compromise that created it, as well as the 12th Amendment.
Other Lessons by Citizen Genius
5 minPolitical Science lesson3 CQ
The 2016 presidential election is coming up! This lesson explains and demonstrates how the 2016 democratic presidential candidate will be chosen.
with Citizen GeniusThe 2016 presidential election is coming up! This lesson explains and demonstrates how the 2016 democratic presidential candidate will be chosen.
5 minPolitical Science lesson3 CQ
The 2016 presidential election is coming up! This lesson explains and demonstrates how the 2016 Republican presidential candidate will be chosen.
with Citizen GeniusThe 2016 presidential election is coming up! This lesson explains and demonstrates how the 2016 Republican presidential candidate will be chosen.
5 minPolitical Science lesson3 CQ
Join this lesson to learn how political parties elect presidential nominees, including an overview of the nomination process and an explanation of campaigns.
with Citizen GeniusJoin this lesson to learn how political parties elect presidential nominees, including an overview of the nomination process and an explanation of campaigns.
3 minPolitical Science lesson2 CQ
Do you know the difference between a primary election and a caucus? Learn how closed, open, and mixed primary elections work, and who participates in each.
with Citizen GeniusDo you know the difference between a primary election and a caucus? Learn how closed, open, and mixed primary elections work, and who participates in each.
7 minPolitical Science lesson4 CQ
What if a party's presidential nominee isn't chosen before the convention? The convention is then contested or brokered. This lesson gives details on each.
with Citizen GeniusWhat if a party's presidential nominee isn't chosen before the convention? The convention is then contested or brokered. This lesson gives details on each.